I’m giving a talk on the future of energy on November 11th…….
Attend Our Exclusive Houston Event: Which Energy Future?
An exclusive event with compelling insight into the future of Energy.
The global energy industry is of critical importance to national security and it is being threatened by the federally imposed drilling moratorium, uncertainty on taxation and an absent energy policy. Internationally renowned Futurist, Energy Industry Advisor and University of Houston Professor Andy Hines offers three scenarios for the future of energy in the United States and the world. Join Mr. Hines and Harvey Nash Global CEO Albert Ellis for a thought-provoking, engaging and informative event that you simply cannot afford to miss.
RSVP to Attend the Harvey Nash Event: Which Energy Future?
Event Details
Date: November 11, 2010
Time: 7:30-9:00 a.m. Continental breakfast, presentation and Q&A with Andy Hines
Where: The Houstonian Hotel, 111 North Post Oak Lane, Houston, Texas 77024
— Andy Hines
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