Aligned, in motion, and ready for action
— A. Hines
Guiding images tie the future to the present. They pull us into the future. They provide a stimulus for change. Previous, I wrote how about our goal as futurists is to get our clients “aligned and in motion.” Let’s update that phrase to “aligned, in motion, and ready for action. Perfect for what our guiding images of After Capitalism are intended to do.

The graphic notes our shorthand for referring to the 1st horizon (H1) being described by the Baseline scenario of the current system; the 2nd horizon (H2) as a zone of transition where new ideas “fight it out” to replace the declining Baseline; and the 3rd horizon is where the transformation to a new system happen – where our three guiding images of After Capitalism are calling to us. Let’s look closer at the emergence of H3 from the vantage point of the present:
- Today, looking out to H3, the guiding images get us aligned around transformation.
- Today, looking at the H1, is the time to get in motion toward the guiding images by studying, monitoring, and doing little things like pilots and experiments that start to build momentum.
- Today, looking out to H2 transition, is the time to begin laying plans and developing options for the action of the shift to the guiding images that takes place as they are “fighting it out” with other ideas about how to replace the decaying H1 Baseline.
The graphic shows how the Third Horizon pathway curve in the present “gets in motion” in H1, gets into action in H2 and is finally realized in H3. The guiding images connect the future to the present. They provide us a sense of direction in the present. But we don’t wait, but there are things we can be doing right now. As individuals, for example, if you believe in the Circular Commons, right now you can start composting. [I’m not suggesting that this is a simple matter of a few lifestyle adjustments, but rather just giving a simple example of how to get “in motion.”]
So, it is hoped that our three guiding images of After Capitalism might have a wide enough popular appeal to be North Star guides, pulling us into the future, getting us mobilized and ready for action. – Andy Hines
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