For our Spring Gathering last year at Houston Foresight, we explored the topic of “Introducing the Future, that is, how do we introduce people and organization to our work – and how can we do a better job at it. As I’ve pondered the topic since, I’ve become increasingly persuaded that it would be really useful to know the “state of foresight.” How many organizations are actually using foresight and futurists? How many foresight consultancies are there? How many practicing futurists? Put another way, just how big is the task of introducing people to the future? I think we’d all agree there we have plenty of work to do!
I am always conscious of how we tell our story. As a relatively new field emerging from World War 2, we are still figuring ourselves out. We are increasingly cohering as a field. Among some of the more recent developments, we established a professional association, the APF, in 2002. And APF developed a foresight competency model in 2016 that provides a view on the core things we do as futurists. But we don’t have a really good lay of the land in terms of who’s doing what. There are some nice pieces out there. There is global foresight wiki that probably has the best current snapshot. One of the things we’ve been doing at Houston Foresight for the last five years is posting publicly available jobs for futurists that runs just over 100. But those are ones that come to us – surely there are more out there. But how many?
I hear the “just get on with it” argument and do the work. But as one of the handful of graduate programs in the world dedicated to foresight, it seems like something that fits. We just posted a blog story about a student project that is a first step in this direction. We’ll see how it goes. Stay tuned. – Andy Hines
Andy, should you put the book together, I can help with details about how the Air Force has evolved in this regard from the Spacecast 2020 and Air Force 2025 studies of the 1990s to the Blue Horizons and like programs of today.
This would be of interest to decision makers fro all sectors of society.