After five or so years of keeping one eye on concepts for what might follow capitalism, it’s time! The topic is so super interesting to me. I preach to follow your interests and what you love, so…..The last time a “content” topic about the future caught my interest like this was the values stuff, captured in ConsumerShift.I let the cat out of the bag at our Spring Gathering last weekend — nothing like a public commitment to keep one honest!
I plan to use or Framework Foresight process as the research approach. That will also give us another example of how the FF process works. I would be super grateful if you could pass along any tips/articles/book suggestions etc. The good news/bad news is that there is a lot out there right now on the topic. More to come! — Andy Hines
Lot’s of great reflection out there on this topic and here are three important perspectives. Have a look at the resurgence of the Commons and there is no better place to start than reading “Think Like a Commoner” by David Bollier You will also want to spend some time looking at the work of John Fullerton at the Capital Institute ( And finally, read Energy and the Wealth of Nations: Understanding the Biophysical Economyby Charles A. Hall and Kent A. Klitgaard – which explores the energy foundations of all future economic activity.
terrific suggestions — cover a wide range of territory….thanks so much!
Alum Gary Hamel found some good relevant books here: