Some thoughts on Volume 2, The Wheels of Commerce from Braudel’s Civilization and Capitalism series (post on Volume 1) …
Ten things we could do if we did not have to work
It’s great to see my piece “Getting Ready for a Post-Work Future” published in Foresight and STI Governance. I blogged …
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Jobs as income is a distribution problem
In our series on a post-work future, last time we looked at how jobs providing structure to daily life would be a …
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Jobs provide structure to daily life
In our series looking at the possibility of a post-work future, last time we looked at how the centrality of work to our …
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Work is central to our identity
When you are introduced to someone, how long is it before you let them know what you do for work? And how soon do you …
A Post-Work Future May Take Longer Than We Think
The After Capitalism research has identified three categories of visions of a world in which capitalism is no longer the …
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The Non-Tragedy of the Commons
Most of us have dutifully learned the Tragedy of the Commons, how unchecked individual interested overwhelms the group …
Visions, images, and utopias
I’m working on the explanation of what’s to come for After Capitalism. As regular readers are aware by now, three …
Pre-capitalism and post-capitalism
Braudel’s Civilization and Capitalism three-volume series has been in my “to-read” pile for many years. I’d heard many …
Avoiding Used Futures in After Capitalism
Part of my goal in putting together the After Capitalism research into a book (admittedly going too slowly!) is identify …
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A healthy fear of superintelligence
Homo Deus explored the possibility of a new human species emerging. If that wasn’t enough to persuade you that we need …
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After Capitalism: The Symbiotic Economy
APF colleague Matthew Henry pointed me in the direction of Simbi, which is essentially a bartering site in which “you …
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I Am Not a Consumer: Values and After Capitalism
Shifting values are a key part of the “after capitalism” story. It’s not just about economics, it’s really about our way …
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Commons or Commodities?
We might think about two polar opposite and perhaps extreme visions of the “after capitalism” future: commons, in which …
A class-y view on After Capitalism
Move aside proletariat. A precariat is emerging as a potential new class to the lead the transformation to an …
Four Futures After Capitalism
An interesting set of scenarios “after capitalism” from “Four Futures: Life After Capitalism.” The two key …