NOTE: Longer-than-typical post as I try to briefly summarize the impact of accelerating technology change on After …

For Foresight, Use Hinesight
NOTE: Longer-than-typical post as I try to briefly summarize the impact of accelerating technology change on After …
Interesting how many times I’ve rewritten this! I keep seeing different angles, but not convinced that’s it, trying …
Continue Reading about Changing sense of place: the Virtual Replicator →
I had a nice opportunity to talk about the future with host Art Rascon on his City View community affairs television …
So what would you put in a time capsule today to be dug up 30 years from now? That question framed a thirty minute …
Continue Reading about 2045: What would you put in a time capsule? →
There are all sorts of indicators suggesting a growing preference for things local. It’s part of the long term values …
Continue Reading about A Sixth Characteristic of the Future Economy: More Local →
Futurists often get asked to speculate on a technology that we think will “take off” in the next…..say decade. Having …
Continue Reading about 3D Printing: A technology to bet on? →