It’s been a few years since I taught Alt Perspectives, and I was excited to get back to it, and in particular into the “know yourself” module. We spend a good part of the first four weeks taking, analyzing, and discussing a wide range of self-assessment instruments. Among the many, there is the classic Meyers-Briggs, the Zimbardo Time inventory, the Gallup Strengths Finder, Spiral Dynamics, and the new Futures Consciousness Profile.
I am careful to note that they generally provide insight into tendencies and preferences and are not to be taken too literally. They can provide us with some useful clues that can help us to be more effective. If we are introverts, for example, we can benefit by blocking out some recharge time after extensive group work. If we know a group we are working with has a strong past orientation, we can be sure to include examples of significant changes from the past to help build our case for proposed changes in the future. If we are a Spiral green talking to an individual or audience that is primarily blue, we can adjust our message to one that speaks more directly to their preference for established authorities. These instruments help us see similarities and touchpoints to build on, and to identify differences so that we can look for ways to build common ground.
I think it’s critically important for futurists (well, anybody really), to be self-aware and these instruments are one way – not the only way – to move in that direction. As I think about the difficult work ahead for After Capitalism, we are going to not only need to be aware of our own tendencies, but to know as best we can the audiences we are trying to reach. – Andy Hines
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