The journey continues. The plot thickens. I have a nice overview article of Imagining After Capitalism that has just come out in the Association of Professional Futurists Compass Magazine. Compass, edited by whiz Stephen Dupont, is a really outstanding publication highlighting ideas and developments in the field. It does a particularly good job in featuring new voices alongside some of the older ones (like yours truly). As a former editor of the Compass nearly 20 years ago, I look where it’s at today, and I am amazed – and frankly chuckling at what used to pass as a newsletter..Kudos to Stephen, the Compass team, and APF!

This Imagining After Capitalism piece is relatively short and sweet so it gets right to some key ideas. I also have a few longer pieces “in process” in a futures journal and a book chapter. The first is a longer version of this overview piece and the second focuses more on the methodological contributions of the After Capitalism research. Meanwhile, the book manuscript is still under review (and frankly the other pieces have been under review for quite some time as well). It is really challenging how long it takes to get something published these days! The staffs are completely overwhelmed. I was a journal editor for a few years and I do not envy anyone in that role. Or reviewers – I am constantly barraged with review requests. One might say it is capitalism at work, as someone is making some money here … and it ain’t the people doin’ the work! — Andy Hines
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