Preference for the unvarnished truth, which increases credibility
“The truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth” is the second of three emerging need states at the core of the 7th (and final) meta need in ConsumerShift.
These consumers have a strong sense of self and identity and are confident in their ability to handle problems or issues. They demand to be treated with respect and hate to be talked down to, and they are highly sensitive to this. They pride themselves on their realistic view of life and their ability to handle the truth, no matter how bad the news might be. They have a skeptical view, particularly of institutional authority, and they are likely to follow up and check on any information relayed to them either via sources on the Internet or with friends and their networks.
They can handle bad news and would prefer it be given to them straight. They appreciate forthrightness and take it as a sign that an individual or organization can be trusted—and they reciprocate that trust. They will ask many questions and may seem overly demanding at times. This has both an information aspect and a trust and relationship building aspect. They will not get information about a product from one business and then go and buy the same product more cheaply from someone else; they value trust, and back it up with their spending. Andy Hines
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