Does After Capitalism emerge organically? This idea has been rattling around in my brain since reading the excellent sci fi novel Stealing Worlds.
Author Karl Schroeder brings professional futurist training to his already excellent storytelling skills to provide us with an important image of the future. It may not be an image we all like, but it is one we need to consider. The incredible potential of blockchain, DAOs, the Internet of Things, AI, and the Metaverse is all wrapped into one. Even with all this tech, we get a very human story that suggests the kind of relationships we might have with technology. You will likely find yourself wondering, what would I do in this situation. And that for me is what good writing and good futures work is all about!

The After Capitalism implications reminded me of Cory Doctorow’s excellent Walkway novel. In both cases, After Capitalism emerges rather spontaneously. That is, it is not a planned campaign per se, although there are people with plans involved, but the major impetus is people literally dropping out of the established system.
In Stealing Worlds, gaming serves as the launch point, in particular LARPing (okay, to my chagrin, I had to look it up > Live Action Role Playing). As more people drop out or are forced out from the conventional economy, they eventually start to build an economy of their own. And without giving away too much of the plot, the gaming economy becomes the more useful that the real one.
It’s a fascinating concept, and it strikes me as very plausible. After Capitalism emerges from what people are already doing. I think some guidance and direction would be useful, but it seems more like sensing and guiding what wants to emerge (to borrow from the Presencing folks). Terrific read and very thought-provoking! – Andy Hines
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