We’ve been talking a bunch about scanning. But what about the flip side – monitoring, and more specifically indicators? We say that scanning is the upfront process of finding, collecting, and analyzing the signals of change in a domain. By monitoring, we mean the identification of signals relating to previously identified emerging issues or scenarios to see if the emerging future is moving toward them – or not.
In our teaching, we preach the importance of monitoring and indicators to keep the emerging issues or scenarios work alive. Frankly, clients have been lukewarm about doing this, so I suppose, given that, we have not pushed too hard on it. We need to do better!
I recently reviewed how we teach monitoring and indicators. Meh, not so great. There were some easy fixes to make. But we want to do more.
We developed a fun “Indicator Bingo” game as a teaching tool. It’s a good start, but more work needs to be done. We have a student doing a literature review to see what’s out there. Do y’all have any good sources or advice to share as we embark on this journey? – Andy Hines
I’ve been considering this: https://www.futuresplatform.com/
People get quite excited about how interactive it is, but I’m still evaluating. Will be trying it out soon.
Have you used it? What do you think?
I have not used it. Hadn’t seen it before (bad on me)
Somewhat related? http://www.venninnovation.com/en/blog/indicators-and-signals Not sure how much you want to incorporate visuals/memes, but it could be entertaining?