I’m happy to share that my collaboration with [former] design student (and now Dr.) Danilo Zindato exploring the uses of scenarios by futurists and designers is now published. Danila spent a semester with the Houston Foresight program last all as part of her PhD work. She wanted to dig deeper into how futurists use scenarios and compare that with her experience in how designers use them. The piece we worked on for publication in World Future Review took the futurist perspective, as we assumed readers of this journal would be most interested in that. The publication piece at WFR is here; a pre-publication draft is here.
The premise is that foresight and design are growing closer together. The piece opens by providing examples of how that is showing up. It compares process frameworks and then looks more deeply at how designers are using scenarios, to derive implications for futurists. The conclusion notes the each field is feeling pressure to expand their scope and capabilities – foresight to go further downstream and designers to further upstream — and this will lead to more overlap and collaboration between the two in the future.
It is great to have a forum for these kinds of applied, practical pieces. Editors Jim Dator and Aubrey Yee have been repurposing World Future Review to provide a home for these pieces that has been missing in recent years. I strongly encourage fellow practitioners to submit their work here and help to establish and solidify a practitioner home base. — Andy Hines
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