The Open Foresight Hub is an exciting new development for all we futures information hounds. It’s a wiki devoted to organizing and sharing foresight knowledge. The hub is organized into three spokes:
- Library: collections of reports, articles, books, multimedia, and other publications offering analyses and perspectives about possible, plausible, and preferred futures; and about the foresight field more generally
- Futures: crowd-sourced summaries of different futures and the myriad of forces shaping them; these futures are dynamically evolving, both synthesizing the diversity of existing perspectives and seeking additional perspectives
- Encyclopedia: a compendium of entries summarizing knowledge about the foresight field including theories and practice; methods and tools; people and organizations; history and futures

I would point you in particular to a page on global drivers. A team from Houston Foresight did the research for this massive study on drivers. And massive is not exaggerating. We gathered an initial list of nearly 700 drivers from hundreds of publicly available reports. We went through a series of clustering activities (this may have been the moment I truly fell in love with Miro) to get that list to 27. Yep, 27. This is a really solid starter list of drivers. We introduced some innovations along the way. Project sponsor David Jonker introduces the PPEPSIII framework, which is a very cool update of STEEP. We also introduce a naming convention and other tips. — Andy Hines
Andy, very useful and cool! Thanks for posting this!
This is an excellent way to find, and digest, really good resources!