The advent of the Industrial Revolution launched modern values and solidified capitalism as the dominant economic system. Modern values are focused on competition, achievement, growth, and victory. and progress. They epitomize the idea that money buys happiness.
As the Industrial Revolution unfolded these modern values provided the perfect rationale to support capitalism’s often harsh logic — it indeed delivered on economic growth but with social and environmental costs. Holders of modern values accepted the bargain of these costs and promoted capitalism as the most successful and ultimate system such that it suggested the end of history [indirectly, at least]. Wherever one falls on the values spectrum, it is fair to say from an analytics point of view that modern values fit perfectly with capitalism, but …
… not any more. Emerging postmodern and integral values are in direct opposition to the key tenets of capitalism and modern values. Instead of competition, we have cooperation. Instead of growth, we have balance. Instead of win-lost, we have win-win. The list goes on.
The values shifts are one of the key factors shifting us away from capitalism, and toward After Capitalism. For more, see this previous post on how the different values types view the After Capitalism guiding images. — Andy Hines