Decay, collapse, the end of, revolution. It seems that every day now I see a story about the end of capitalism. Since I began tracking the topic in 2012, it’s gone from crazy to “not so crazy” to a topic for polite conservation to …..revolution? I did a quick grab from my alerts the last two days, and it seems every day the language is getting more radical.
The premise of my After Capitalism research is that we need to develop positive guiding images for a future after capitalism. I believe we need a new system. I’ve identified three potential positive guiding images:
- Tech-led Abundance. Technological progress drives and leads to an abundance of wealth that fixes core problems of capitalism.
- Non-workers’ Paradise. A play on the attributed-to-Marxist idea of a worker’s paradise, but in the after capitalism world we are not working in paid jobs as a means of sustenance.
- Sustainable Commons. Expands the concept of sustainability to embrace the idea of a political/economic commons. The supporting concepts here sorted into environmentally inclined or morality-based or purpose driven – often combining the two.
Back in an April post, I suggested a rough timeline timing for the After Capitalism transformation:
- The H1 baseline had another decade left for capitalism
- The H2 transition takes another 10-20 years.
- We reach our H3 new system in 20-30 years.
But given the increasing intensity of the language about capitalism, perhaps my timeline, which assumes a peaceful transformation, is too conservative? I hope not. I think moving faster, particularly if via violent revolution, would be disastrous. Again, not a fan at all of the current system, but we have nothing to replace it! History suggests that in a vacuum situation things usually end up worse. I’ve been reading about the Russian revolution again (one of my favorite topics) and one could argue that it happened much faster than expected, before they were really ready, with obvious horrific consequences down the road. Yes, let’s push for After Capitalism, but let’s not rush it either.
Let’s figure out where we want to go before we blow up the current system! – Andy Hines
I am 60. U.S.A.F. I have been collecting the same information, and comparing the same results as The Field Of Futurist must do.
The Way I test the Current Path of Humanity as Successful Society as a whole, I use 4 Indicators that have always throughout Human Existence been the main movers, and they are measurable. I call them PEERS and representing the current state of
Politics(Power on The World Stage) Education(Science and The Global Tech on The World Stage) Economy(Access to the Funds on a Global Level That will Allow The Agenda Of That One Direction The World should take) lets not forget The Oldest and most abused and misunderstood Power of PEER… is its ability to MOVE THE WHOLE HUMAN Shared Conscious at One time and in One Massive Wave. Religion for good or bad, whether you believe in a Supreme Being or not, over half the people on The Planet would Die to defend that Entity. It is a Power that measurable, look at just believing of Personal Gain have taken people who mean well, and turned them into an Army 0f Hell. That is neither GODS PLAN, not My plan, not 2/3rd of The Worlds plan. You are not currently teaching your students to keep their eyes open, and not be judgmental to those that really are just pawns. Religion is a force shaping The Future, Something other than ourselves has shaped Humanity. The Men/Women who have used Religion as a source of Power have abused it for most part, All Four of PEER contain its Own Power over Humanity. You have to understand how all four work, upon Man to even Dream about what The Future will be.
The Ability to Balance those Four will create The Worlds First True Global Leader. Currently no one is teaching how Those Four Powers really complement each other, using only 2 or 3 of PEER, is unbalanced and unsustainable. I have been looking
at Houston Foresight Materiel and I hope you succeed. So much information now online it is confusing more people than it is helping. I have talked to many theorist and read so about time travel, politics, economy, religion, and The Ones that get it, are not pushing for only one way, they know at the very least 4 points only The Compass, to stay centered they need to know how well balanced are their PEERS. I have no desire to push one over the other, I would like to see them just respect one another’s Power, and never ever, dismiss PEER POWER and think they are defeated. I see The Next Big Shift BIG BIG BIG is The Uniting of Catholic and Islamic. That is and area your student could start helping prepare for. Liberalism LEFT and Conservatives RIGHT will remain deadlocked, that Political battle has marched around The World in every Country except America, The final conflict will be settled in a WORLD Court. Capitalism you were pondering about? The answer actually will surprise you. Read what happened at Black Bear Ranch California 1960’s Commune, where Anarchy and Capitalism met Reality. BTW This POPE agrees with your asset about Capitalism, He leans Socialist, but He too is only using 2 of The PEERS for His knowledge. I use Fractals to Go forward in The Future Mentality not Physically. My Doctrine is 2+2=4. My Science is NASA Milankovitch-orbital-cycles. My advisor Sun Tzu defeat your enemy without having to do battle. My Friend is 1st Century YESHUA. My name is James. p.s. Tell 1st Place – Charles Kennedy, “All the World’s a Television“ 2009 The solution is to have a consumer pre-agree to insert a code on phone at certain, so The Salesman can say to His Client.. This many saw your Advertising, and The Advertiser pays The TV Show money, that allows Them to Air their show whenever they want that week…You are WELCOME!