Thought I’d share some musings from my experience at the APF “Play” gathering. Borrowing from the old C&C Factory song, here are 16 Things That Made Me Go Hmmm.(I’m not attributing as I don’t want to misquote anyone or get them in trouble)
- LVC for types of simulation: Live players – football practice; Virtual – people in virtual; Constructive – virtual in virtual
- Models –> simulations –> forecasts
- Difference between play and games: Play is about exploration, without winners and losers; Games are based on a model and have winners and losers
- Two outcomes for training simulations: (1) Learning about the situation, e.g., how to fight fires (2) Learning about oneself, e.g., how did I behave in the situation?
- “We don’t care about succeeding…we sometimes fantastically fail…learn….and keep learning”
- It occurred to me (andy) that personas are going to move from posters to simulations
- I’ve been trying to think of what to call the six activities of foresight we teach: framing, scanning, forecasting, visioning, planning, action; I saw some word art on a wall that looked like a spine, but that didn’t seem right, but “backbone” did. Wonder if it will stick? Ideas seem to emerge when you’re in a relaxed environment, with good people, and enjoying yourself.
- Evolution of big data from descriptive to predictive to prescriptive
- “Smart cities” of the future may not be connected by geography, but rather by the smart ICT platform
- It was touching to see “the Godfather” appropriately recognized (nice job, Lee!)
- “Research makes zombie games really useful.”
- App culture has decimated the game studios, and very few app makers make any money
- There is a dark side to gamification – e.g., social games are really about getting your money more than about encouraging social good
- On my summer “to do” list: developing more games in our curriculum
- APF has done amazingly well in consistently making the gatherings an ideal blend of learning, networking, and fun.
- Futurists are really fun people, perhaps a bit crazy, but good crazy! Andy Hines
Nicely said, Andy! great points about an incredible three days of learning, comradeship, and fun. The topper at Celebration was a blast too. All cool.
Saturday Maria Andersen set up a facebook group for APF, made me administrator, so members can see and post pics and recaps there (like this, perhaps? strong hint… 🙂 ) . If people are reading this who are APF members are not on that group, please send me a request, i think that’s how it’s done. still learning!
A treat to see you, so glad you were there. APF 3.0 at its best. cheers, Cindy